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Monday, April 4, 2016



Michael Buss (

Michael is a freshman mechanical engineering student at Drexel university. He has always been interested in science and engineering and can often be found tinkering with old electronics and machines and building new ones in his free time. Michael aspires to earn a graduate degree in aerospace engineering after he graduates from Drexel. 

Nhat Duong (

Nhat Duong is a student at the College of Biomedical Engineering of Drexel University. He is from Allentown PA. Other than Biomedical Engineering, he is also interested in learning about any other field of engineering. He likes to learn about anything that he did not know about and get easily amused by random facts. By participating in the heat pipe project, he intended to learn more about how heat pipes work and the different applications for heat pipes. Outside of school, he usually finds himself dancing and listening to music to relax. His goal one day is to be able to help better people’s life and be part of a great medical breakthrough.

Austin Omolo (

Mr. Austin Omolo is a rising freshman currently pursuing a degree in Chemical Engineering. Aside from Chemical Engineering being the toughest major around (he tends to like a challenge), he chose this major because he is passionate about the environment. Austin intends to pursue a PhD and conduct research on green energy. This is because he believes the environment is often compromised in pursuit for energy, and that the two can be married in the form of green energy!

Eric Tran (

Eric is studying biomedical engineering at Drexel University. He has been interested in all the aspects of STEM education early on, and with biomedical engineering he feels that it has a wide range of study for him to be exposed to. He chose this project with heat pipes for the same reason, it may not directly translate to something in his career, just the exposure to a different part of engineering is valuable experience for him.

Alex Humen (

Alex Human is a Biomedical Engineering major from Kensington, Connecticut. He plans to major in biomechanics, and hopes to work in research and development, particularly in prosthetic technology

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