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Wednesday, May 18, 2016



[1]  C. E. Heuer, “The Application of Heat Pipes on the Trans-Alaska Pipeline,” U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hanover, NH, Special Report 79-26, 1979.
[2]  W. Wu, Y. Lin and L. Chow, "A Heat Pipe Assisted Air-Cooled Rotary Wankel Engine for Improved Durability, Power and Efficiency", SAE Technical Paper 2014-01-2160, 2014.
[3]  Single Cylinder OHV Air-Cooled Engines, Briggs & Stratton Corp, Milwaukee, WI, 2009.
[4]  G. M. Grover, “Evaporation-condensation heat transfer device,” U.S. Patent 3 229 759, Jan. 18, 1966.
[5]  SMT Component & Assembly, TutorialsWeb, Available:

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